
Porta Vermelha Studio

Sharryn Jenkinson

the bare hand artist

About Sharryn

Surf Coast Based artist

The bare-hand artist Sharryn Jenkinson has a passion for big, awe-inspiring Skys.
Born in 1969, Sharryn’s influences began with the flat plains and vast skies of her birthplace Dimboola, Victoria.

She has carried these impressions of the Wimmera for over fifty years and added to these vivid memories by extensive travel all over the continents.

My paintings have become a part of all these memories, a Turner sky over Venice being etched solidly in my brain along with the more humble yet just as breathtaking storms over canola crops on my family farm.
The atmosphere and elemental feel of these memories are freely expressed through my hands using the flexibility and texture of oil paint.

I am a tactile person, a tactile artist. I trained as a Myotherapist, so using my hands was just a natural progression pushed by the fact I had a thumb reconstruction and couldn’t hold a brush anyway.

Recent & Upcoming Exhibitions


The way I paint is to clear a way through all those ideas and possibilities that swim around and take over, I shut my mind down, let everything go, say “what could possibly go wrong,” put my hands on the canvas and just do!
Francis Mathis
If you follow me on Instagram you will see my reels showing just how I paint, it is fast, it’s chucking colours together, getting a surprise, having a little dance and then I stand back and take it all in.
Francis Mathis
If you follow me on Instagram you will see my reels showing just how I paint, it is fast, it’s chucking colours together, getting a surprise, having a little dance and then I stand back and take it all in.
Francis Mathis

As Featured In

Get in Touch

Whether you wish to inquire about purchasing a painting, are interested in commissioning an original work, or visiting Porta Vermelha Studio, I’d love to hear from you.